Arya Wiranda, Utami Dewi, Balqis Qonita Harahap, Thareq Ahmad Alqawwiy


The focus in this study is to investigate the difficulties students faced in writing research article involving the areas of introductory, methodology, finding &discussion, and other elements. Also, this study explored the factors caused the students’ difficulties in writing research article. The method design used in this study was mixed-method according to (Sugiyono, 2016). The researchers used 40 samples students in fourth semester of English Department at Islamic State University. The instruments were questionnaires, students’ article documents, and interviews. The data collected through g-form and distributed papers for questionnaire. Documents of article collected to the g-drive, and face to face interviews were conducted. The data analyzed through describing the score from questionnaire and matching it to the article’s students document to investigate the difficulties. Interviews were provided to explore the factors and the unsure data from questionnaire if there was. The findings showed that students had difficulties in writing article mostly in finding the relevant theories to support research in citing with APA style (57.5%), presenting data finding in statistical tools (57.5%), literature review (55%), and analyzing data (50%). Furthermore, the factors caused the difficulties in writing research article were psychological factors (self-control, time management, healthy mindset, worried, procrastination, poor of learning, and motivation), socio-cultural factors involved the relationship between the team and lecturer, environment condition, and facility, and linguistic factors included the knowledge of tenses and word-choices)

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