Dian Reftyawati


This study investigates the impact of gamification on learning outcomes and student engagement in English language learning among first-semester students of the Islamic Family Law Department at UIN Raden Intan Lampung. A quasi-experimental design was employed, utilizing gamification platforms such as Kahoot!, Duolingo, and Quizizz over one semester. The sample included 40 randomly selected students who participated in pre- and post-tests assessing English proficiency and engagement. Findings indicate significant improvements in both learning outcomes and engagement. The mean score for learning outcomes increased from 65.4182 (pre-test) to 84.3821 (post-test), and the mean engagement level rose from 71.0212 to 85.2760. Gamification elements, such as challenges, rewards, and competition, enhanced motivation and active participation. The study concludes that gamification is an effective pedagogical strategy to improve student engagement and learning outcomes in English language education. Future research should explore long-term effects and additional factors influencing gamification's effectiveness. The findings support gamification as a promising tool for fostering motivation and collaborative learning in educational settings.

Keywords: Experimental Class, Gamification, Students' Engagement

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33365/jeltl.v5i1.5451


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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

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