Kartika S


This study investigates the effectiveness of the Read Ask Paraphrase (RAP) strategy in enhancing students' reading skills. Utilizing an experimental and quantitative approach, two groups were selected: an experimental class employing the RAP strategy and a control class using traditional methods. The sample selection was conducted through cluster random sampling, and data were collected via a reading assessment. The research subject is the first-semester Islamic Family Law students at the Faculty of Sharia, UIN Raden Intan Lampung. The analysis using the t-test revealed significant differences between the groups (t-test > t-table at 0.05 and 0.01 levels: 4.09 > 2.00 < 2.66), supporting the alternative hypothesis. Students in the experimental group exhibited notable improvements in reading skills, with an average score of 72.30 compared to 61.03 in the control group. This study highlights the RAP strategy's effectiveness in English instruction, suggesting its potential for enhancing reading proficiency. The implications of this research suggest that educators should consider incorporating the RAP strategy into their teaching practices to foster improved reading outcomes.


Keywords: Experimental Class, RAP Strategy, Reading Skill


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