Pengaruh Penambahan Serbuk Cangkang Kerang Simping Sebagai Substitusi Sebagian Agregat Halus Pada Kuat Tekan Beton

Jamaludin Jamaludin, Achmad Faisal Saputra, Catra Editya Kusuma, Jaka Aldian Maulana


Developments in Indonesia in the world of construction have increased very rapidly. This cannot be separated from the community's need for facilities and infrastructure. One of them is that concrete is a construction material in developments that have existed until now, the large material requirement for concrete means it is necessary to look for other alternative steps as a basic material for concrete, including replacing sand with material from shellfish waste. Based on this, this research aims to utilize simping shellfish powder as a partial replacement for fine aggregate or a substitute for the compressive strength of concrete. In this addition there are several variations of the mixture, namely 0%, 10% and 15%, and the test is carried out when the concrete is 28 days old. Of the total number of test objects, there are 6 samples for each variation, 2 samples. The test object used is a cylinder with a diameter of 15 mm and a height of 30 mm. From the results of the tests that have been carried out, the results of the 0% variation sample are 205.4433 kg/cm2, the 0% sample is 205.051 kg/cm2, while the mixed sample of Simping shellfish powder with a 10% variation produces 190.039 kg/cm2, the 10% sample is 176.798 kg/cm2. and while the mixed sample of simping shell powder with a variation of 15% produced 97.895 kg/cm2, the 15% sample was 125.103 kg/cm2, from the comparison between the addition of simping shell powder for samples with variations of 10% and 15% there was a decrease in the compressive strength of the concrete and no achieve K-250 quality concrete.

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