Fitri Sutiarsih, E. Ngestirosa Endang Woro Kasih


This research analyzes the inner conflict experienced by the main character in the novel My Heart and Other Black Holes. The focus of the research is on the character Aysel, a teenage girl who feels trapped in dark thoughts and has plans to commit suicide. The research objective of this research is to find out how the inner conflict of the main character is depicted in My Heart and Other Black Holes novel as data source.

This research uses descriptive qualitative methods to develop the inner conflict identified. The data of this research was My Heart and Other Black Holes.novel while the data were narration and dialogue about inner conflict from the novel. This study employed the psychology approach using Freud’s id, ego and superego theories. It also employed the inner conflict theory of Kurt Lewin.

The conclusion identified three inner conflicts faced by Aysel: her desire to die coupled with indecisiveness, her psychological struggle to find meaning in life through relationships, and her inability to set clear goals due to the complex interplay between her id, ego, and superego. This imbalance among the aspects of her personality, as explained by Freud and Lewin, results in significant internal conflict.

Keywords:  approach-approach, approach avoidance, avoidance-avoidance, inner conflict

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