Nina Fatriana, Fikri Hamidy


Curriculum must always adapt with  the changing condition and  meet the challenge through times. Before a curriculum is  implemented , it has been  assessed  through layers of  tests and  Quality Control. In short,  a new curriculum surely has better  quality in terms of meeting   nowadays’ challenges and requirements. However  fine and perfect it looks  on the level of R n D at the Ministry level , a new curriculum  will always result in fuss among the front liners, the teachers .Various factors influence the speed of  teachers’ acceptability on this new education regulation.

This research was aiming to find English teachers perception on the  current   Merdeka Curriculum Implementation, the  underlying  factors of their  negative perceptions towards its implementation , as well as  aiming to seek solution to sooth teachers’ anxiety and other negative perceptions  by  exposing the  similarity  and contrast analyses on both agents of the  shift, the K2013 and  Merdeka Curriculum.           The soothing  resulsts are that  K13 and Kurmer are still following the same ELT core  tracks.  The backward design and the text based English Syllabus are terms of content  they share  in commons especially  in TALO,TAVI and TASP material designs. The differences are only on the general matters such as  regulation,  emphases on  character shaping,  active learning generated teaching methods and intensive  IT  media use by teachers.

Keyword: IKM, K2013, Literature Text Based  Curriculum and Syllabus design

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Linguistics and Literature Journal
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