Farizha Audi Syaharani, M. Yuseano Kardiansyah


The novel "Dumplin" by Julie Murphy explores the complexities and inconsistencies within the novel's representation of feminism. This research aims to analyze the inconsistencies and ambiguities contained in the narrative of the novel Dumplin by Julie Murphy using deconstruction theory by Jacques Derrida. The researcher used the descriptive-qualitative method in this study. Meanwhile, the data was taken from the novel Dumplin by Julie Murphy in the form of narrative, dialogue and sentences that describe inconsistencies and ambiguity about feminist values. The researcher conclude that the 3 categories of binary opposition contained in the novel Dumplin by Julie Murphy do not fully uphold feminist values. Even though this novel fight for feminist values, but the characters' actions or thoughts conflict with ideal feminist values. Thus, inconsistency is seen not as a failure but as a complexity of the reality of women's experiences in fighting for equality, because feminism is a movement that continues to develop depending on the context and individual experiences.

Keywords: deconstruction, feminism values, inconsistency

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