Dian Purnama Sari


This study was pointed at getting the information related to students’ quality in paraphrasing seen from four dimensios of paraphrasing assessment. The subjects of the investigation were chosen understudies of STBA Prayoga who were in the 6th semester and had finished taking the sequence of writing classes. The instrument utilized within this study was a test on paraphrasing a text. The components that were used to assess students’ writing were semantic completeness, lexical similarity, syntactic similarity, and paraphrase quality. The students writing then scored by using rubric which was categorized into 4 (excellent), 3 (satisfactory), 2 (below avarage), and 1 (ineffective). The study showed that students paraphrase quality was on ineffective level. It was anticipated that more concerns related students’ rewording ought to be given.

Key word: lexical similarity, paraphrase quality, semantic completeness, syntactic similarity.

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Linguistics and Literature Journal
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