Nabila Aina Wafa, Nabila Aureliya Salsabilla, Nabila Nasywa


The human mobility across diverse locations leads to interactions with various languages, sparking the phenomenon of code mixing, where we blend more than one language in conversation. YouTube, in turn, serves as a platform where many users engage in code mixing. This descriptive qualitative research aims to explore the extent of code mixing in the collaborative YouTube video featuring two foreigners living in Indonesia, namely David Andrew Jephcott, the owner of the "Londo Kampung'' channel, and Coach Timo, titled "DAGELAN JOWO TAPI WONG LONDO!" The video is then categorized into different types of code mixing based on Muysken's theory (2000). The analysis results are informally presented in a table, and data validity is examined using triangulation theory, involving scrutiny by an expert to minimize bias. Out of a total of 198 data points, it was found that 170 utterances contained insertion-type code mixing, 4 utterances contained alternation-type code mixing, and 24 utterances contained congruent lexicalization-type code mixing.


Keywords: Coach Timo, Code Mixing, londo kampung, sociolinguistic, YouTube.

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