Misnawati Misnawati, Budi Eko Pranoto


Obsession for perfection is common behavior that may be suffered by people. Those who are so obsessed with something are easily sacrifice anything to chase the perfection that has already been created in their minds. It is possible that they will perhap harm themselves. Therefore, this research aimed to analyze the obsession for perfection in The Aviator movie 2012 by Martin Scorsese by using Psychoanalytic theory. This research applied an in-depth qualitative narrative analysis method which examines the story elements from dialogue and picture collected in the form of screen-capture of the relevant scene. This research used psychoanalytic theory as the approach and divided the analysis into two sub discussions; they are the reflection of obsession for perfection and the effects of obsession for perfection. Based on the analysis, the data supports the findings that Howard suffers some conditions which includes Target Oriented; where people with ambitions like this have all-or-nothing thinking. The second finding is Highly Dependent on Result; it shows that Howard put his self-esteem depends on what is accomplished and how others respond to what he would achieve. Keywords: The Aviator movie, Obsession, Obsession for Perfection, Psychoanalytic theory 
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