Nagamurali Eragamreddy


The effect of listening strategies on English language learners' fluency is examined in this study. The purpose of this research is to explore the efficacy of diverse listening techniques, appraise their enduring advantages, and examine their amalgamation with other language proficiencies and technological instruments. Ten seasoned English teachers completed a thorough questionnaire that was used to gather data for descriptive research. The survey was improved through a pilot study and included both closed- and open-ended items. Descriptive statistics were employed to evaluate the data for the quantitative responses, while thematic analysis was utilized to study the qualitative responses. Key studies show that by enhancing pronunciation, intonation, and natural speech patterns, listening strategies like dictogloss and shadowing dramatically improve learners' fluency. It was also verified that these strategies could be adjusted to fit various learning environments and ability levels. Furthermore, holistic language development is supported by combining various skills like speaking, reading, and writing with listening skills. Utilizing digital technologies to provide compelling and varied content, individualized educational experiences, and frequent practice all contribute to the success of listening techniques. Overall, the study emphasizes how important listening strategies are for acquiring fluency and all-around language proficiency.


Keywords: Digital tools, English language learners, fluency, holistic language development, Listening techniques

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33365/jeltl.v5i1.5440


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