Candra Wahyudi, Mutiara Ayu


This research discusses the roles of using social media in teaching English and also obstacles to using social media in English classes. This research aims to determine the roles of social media and to identify the obstacles faced by the teachers at SMAN 1 Adiluwih, with the respondents being two English teachers in this school. It uses a qualitative method with the research design is a case study. The instruments used for this research is a questionnaire and an interview. The study discovered three possible uses for social media in the classroom: (1) social media platforms are used to improve students' speaking, listening, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension; (2) social media gives teachers access to a wealth of resources and materials for teaching English; and (3) social media in the classroom increases students' interest in the language. The most significant goals of this research are to convince students and teachers that social media is not just for social purposes but also can be used as teaching and learning media.


Keywords: English Language Teaching, Social Media, Teachers

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33365/jeltl.v4i2.4202


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English Education Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Education.
Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

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