Dwi Yunita Sari, Dyah Aminatun


This study aims to find out how far the story mapping can improve students' reading comprehension in narrative text and the implementation of story mapping in teaching reading in narrative texts to the tenth-grade students of SMK N 1 Terbanggi Besar. Classroom action research was used by the researchers in this study. There were 30 students from class X PM 1 SMK N 1 Terbanggi Basar. This study used a test and non-test as data collection techniques. The reading test was used to see the progress of students’ reading comprehension. Then, observation was used to see the implementation of story mapping in the classroom. Data analisys shows an improvement between the mean pre-test score that was 50.23 and the post-test 1 in cycle 1 that is 56.23. While in post-test 2 the score improved to 79.43 in cycle 2. Then the result of observation showed that students were more active and enthusiastic in learning narrative texts using story mapping. From the results of the two instruments, it can be concluded that the story mapping technique can significantly elevate students’ reading comprehension of narrative texts.

Keywords: Story mapping, narrtive text, reading skill

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33365/jeltl.v4i2.3321


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