Riefky Fajri Nassoba, Samanik SS, M.Hum


Domestic violence issue happens in a family at home. This social issue proves that violence can be done not only by stranger, but also by a member of a family. The victim finds it hard to reach out for help due to severe humiliation that leads to degradation of self-worth and self-esteem. The unsettling case of domestic violence is also described in a work of fiction as a result of one’s experience. Therefore, the writer decides to conduct research regarding to this issue. In accordance, the aim of this research is to show the portrayal of domestic violence as seen in Melanie’s Brown Brutally Honest. This research used descriptive qualitative method typically library research with textual analysis since data of this research are in the form of sentences and dialogues. The primary data source is Melanie Brown’s Brutally Honest (2018). For this research, the writer applied theory of domestic violence and sociology of literature critics. The results of this research shows that there are four types of domestic violence suffered by Melanie during her marriage to Stephen. The violence includes physical violence in form of bruises on her body, the psychological violence in forms of terror, control, and denigration, emotional abuse in forms of name-calling, isolation, false-accusation, and negative feedback, and economic abuse in forms of controlling her finances in order to make her financially depended only on Stephen.

Keywords: Domestic violence, economic abuse, emotional abuse, physical violence, psychological abuse

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