Nia Noviana, Lulud Oktaviani


Personality types are usually divided into extrovert and introvert. Those personalities are believed to affect students’ ability to master the skills they learn, especially English skills. Therefore, this research was conducted to examine the correlation between students’ personality types and English proficiency ability (or results of EPT scores). In this research, the method used was the Quantitative Approach, while the research design used in this research is the Correlational Study. The sample in this research was taken from 44 students from the English Education study program, to be precise students from PI18A class. This research used online questionnaires as an instrument to obtain data about the personality types of each student and also the acquisition of EPT scores. In analyzing the data, this research uses Person Product Moment (by using SPSS) as a medium to analyze the data obtained to be examined.

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English Education Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Education.
Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

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