Amel Lia Cahyani, Ely Nurmaily


This research to analyze psychology of literature as seen in the character Ove in the novel “A Man Called Ove”. In this way, researchers can better understand how psychological elements work in the characters of the story. This study helps the researcher and other studies look deeper into the personalities and interactions between characters, which enriches the researcher's and other studies' understanding of literature and psychology. This study aims to analyze how the Freudian tripartite (consisting of id, ego, and superego) is portrayed in Ove's character in the novel A Man Called Ove. This research aims to uncover and interpret how Ove's behaviors and conflicts fit into Freud's theoretical framework, providing a deeper understanding of the psychological complexities underlying Ove's character portrayal. In this study, the researcher used a method called qualitative method. This method helps the researcher better understand the story A Man Called Ove by using Freud's psychoanalytic theory. This method is useful because it allows the researcher to carefully examine, interpret, and analyze the story. Based on the findings, the research show that the main character's id - Ove id is depicted through often displaying impulsive and emotional traits. He sometimes acts without thinking about the consequences and is greatly affected by his emotions. Ove's anger and dissatisfaction towards his neighbors who make his life difficult. His ego is portrayed through a person who is very orderly and organized in doing everything. He also has strong leadership and can solve problems well, although sometimes he is stubborn. And his superego is portrayed through having high moral standards and upholding traditional values. He has great respect for rules and adheres to the principles of honesty, integrity.


Keywords: A Man Called Ove, Freudian Psychoanalysis, Psychology of Literature, Tripartite.

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