Poppy Cecilia Purba, Muhammad Fithratullah


In this research, the movie “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” serves knowledge that underlines African-American moral values in this work. Moral values themselves mean determining good and bad values in order to bring the formation of a person's actions, character, and life in accordance with social ethics. In addition, African-American moral values that are used as the topic of analysis are based on the African-American culture contained in this movie. This analysis aims to describe African-American moral values in the characters of the movie “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” which uses theory by Samuel K. Roberts, uses a philosophical approach, and uses a support moral theory by Linda and Eyre (1993).

This study uses a descriptive qualitative method to facilitate data delivery. The data taken came from the movie “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever”, in the form of scenes, dialogues, and sentences related to African-American moral values. Moreover, the use of data is intended to answer research questions.
After the data was collected and analyzed, the writer found five categories, namely historical roots, religion and spirituality, community and family, social rights, and cultural influence, which were divided into aspects and produced African-American moral values of respect, justice, loyalty, love, leadership, responsibility, courage, solidarity, care, self-improvement, empowerment, faith, peaceability, self-confidence, unselfishness, mercy, hope, dependability, honesty, kindness, self-discipline, potential, equality, and moderation. From these results, it can be used to inspire the determination of truth in character and act on the life of each human being.

Keywords: African-American, Black Panther, moral values

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