Dini Andyta Wardhani, Laila Ulsi Qodriani


This study focuses on maxim violation done by the informants in Netflix documentary film titled ―Ice Cold: Murder, Coffee, and Jessica Wongso‖ using Grice‘s theory. The objectives of study are to discover the type of conversational maxim violation and the impact on effective communication. The data is conversation that contain maxim violation in the Ice Cold documentary film. This research was conducted by using qualitative descriptive method.
The results of the study show that there are three maxims of the cooperative principle violated by the informants in Ice Cold documentary. These maxims are: (1) maxim of quantity, (2) maxim of relevance, and (3) maxim of manner. The dominant maxim that is violated is maxim of relevance which occurred 3 times, whereas the other maxim such as maxim of manner occurred 2 times, and maxim of quantity only occurred 1 time. The impact of those violations causes topic changing, repetition and obligation in conversation.

Keywords: Cooperative Principle, Ice Cold Documentary Film, Maxim Violation.

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