Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, Lintang Bidadari


This research aimed to explore language used in Twitter platform for merchandising. This research used Qualitative research as research method, which is research to explore and understand the meaning that a number of individuals or groups of people ascribe to social or humanitarian problems. This research also used Twitter as media to conduct the findings of this research by finding some language used for merchandising on some Twitter user’s account. Based on the findings and discussion above, it concluded that there are some languages for merchandising found when the researcher tried to explore Twitter media, such as WTS, WTB, WTA, UFS, restock, price list, and net. It showed that Twitter as merchandising media can gave rise to language variations that are even today used by many Twitter users. These language variations are present because a result of adaptation to the unique necessities within distinct speech communities over time.

Keywords: language, media, merchandising, Twitter, variations.

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