Yasrin Nur, Ingatan Gulo


This research aims to analyze the translation of words with cultural terms in Boemi Manusia into This Earth of Mankind novel. In carrying out the research, qualitative method and library research were employed. The data were words classified as nouns with cultural terms in the novel. This is because expressions related to culture are usually in this category. The researchers examined whether the translation has transferred the messages of the data or resulted with different implications. The researchers also used the concept of cultural equivalence from Baker (2008). The finding of this research shows that the translation of Boemi Manusia into This Earth of Mankind novel contained words and concepts that do not exist in English. The concepts in the target language do not have equivalents in English because those concepts only exist in Indonesia. The researchers found out that a number of equivalent words were used in order to introduce Indonesian cultures to the readers who mostly are not Indonesians.

Keywords: Boemi Manusia, cultural concept, equivalence, translation

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