Anisya Nur Rasyid


This research discusses a movie directed by Edgar Wright 2021 entitled Last Night In Soho. This movie tells a story about Ellie who dreams of a woman named Sandie who lives in the 60s era and she experienced exploitation by her manager. This research aims to describe the women exploitation that happened in the movie. In this study, the writer uses descriptive qualitative methods to analyze the content and describes the data analysis in the form of text. The primary data source is Last Night In Soho movie. This research used sociological approach and used theory representation by Hall, and women’s exploitation theory to find out what are the forms of exploitation that happened in the movie. The result of this research show that there are four types of women exploitation in the movie, namely sexual exploitation, forced labour, slavery, and violence. This exploitation experienced impact on the social life of the characters and it also harms them both physically and mentally.

 Keywords: Edgar Wright, exploitation, Last Night in Soho, movie, women

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33365/llj.v5i1.1937


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