Muhammad Yusril Ihza Mahendra, Dina Amelia


Moral Value is a value that affects individual and social behavior in behaving. The current study aimed
to find the categories of moral values that John Green tries to convey in The Fault in Our Stars novel
and to interpret its meaning by using the theory of Universal Moral Values by Kinnier et. al with four
major moral values. To be able to understand moral values in the story without misinterpretation and
the lessons can be applied in real life. This study used the qualitative method because it focuses on
describing and interpreting the moral values in descriptive. The primary source of data is taken from
the novel The Fault in Our Stars in the form of narrations and the secondary data is from previous
studies in the form of statements that comes from the study findings. The results of the current study
show that the categories of moral values found in the novel are (1) Commitment to something greater
than oneself, (2) Self-respect, but with humility, self-discipline, and acceptance of personal
responsibility, and (3) Respect and caring for others, while the moral value that is not found is (4)
Caring for other living things and environment which indicates that John Green inserted moral values
in the novel more about the personal lives of the characters and the relationships between them, which
to civilize it, readers, to have the moral as an individual, being good to other people and to believe to
something greater.

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