Ni made Yulianti, Dwi Budi Setiawan


This journal discusses a movie entitled “After” by Jenny Gage 2019. The movie, which is adopted from adult fiction novel written by Anna Todd, tells about the story of a college life of Theresa Young who is fondly called as Tessa. Tessa was raised by a single parent mother who always pays attention and tends to control Tessa’s life.  The way of Tessa’s Mother treats her makes Tessa growing up to be a good girl, but then Tessa meets Hardin Scott who does not have good manners and cold hearted.  This movie shows some symptoms of emotional abuse in the main characters. In this journal the writers have analyzed about Emotional Abuse experience by the main characters in the movie. The writers conducted library research with descriptive qualitative method. The data in this research are in form of narrations and dialogues, images, and scenes in the movie that are related with the topic of this research about emotional abuse. The psychological approach is applied in this research. Emotional Abuse theory by Charles Wenar and  by Oliver in Petro and also cinematic theory by Golden are used in this research. The result of the analysis shows that Tessa experiences emotional abuse from the closest people. The writer finds that Tessa unconsciously experiences emotional abuse from her mother and her boyfriend Hardin. Tessa Experiences some types of emotional abuse such as isolating, corrupting, rejecting, denying emotional responsiveness and terrorizing. All of the Emotional Abuse type also represented through cinematic technique based on Golden such as framing technique, camera angles and movement, editing, and mis-enscene.

Keywords: Character, emotional abuses, closest people, cinematic technique

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33365/llj.v3i1.1842


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Linguistics and Literature Journal
Published by Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Organized by Faculty of Arts and Education
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