Putri Indah Sari, Budi Eko Pranoto


This study is focuses on observing the illocutionary and perlocutionary that found in queen’s Elizabeth on coronavirus speech on April 6, 2010 at the Telegraph YouTube Chanel.  Queen Elizabeth II is the world's longest reigning monarch and one of the most famous, well respected, and untouchable figures of the past century. The researcher takes Queen’s Elizabeth speech as the object because the main objective of this study is to find out the types of illocutionary act and the perlocutionary that found in Queen’s Elizabeth speech on coronavirus speech since the pandemic of coronavirus became the main problem in today’s conditions to the society. The scope of this study is focused on analyzing the illocutionary act and perlocutionary act of speech act in Queen’s Elizabeth on Coronavirus speech. It is also to find out the types of illocutionary in Queen’s Elizabeth on Coronavirus speech. By applying the theory of speech act by Searle. After find out the illocutionary act the researcher tries to identifying the perlocutionary acts implied after the illocutionary acts uttered in Queen’s Elizabeth on Coronavirus speech using the theory of Austin’s Theory. Using qualitative method (Rajasekar, 2013), the researcher analyzes the outcome data from the object or data source that researcher had chosen. This method is also delivers any of all results that happen inside the research. Descriptive Qualitative also gives about comprehend data gathering, data analysis, data interpretation and conclusion that point to researcher problem. There are 14 illocutionary that is found in Elizabeth speech. After the researcher analyzed the data, the researcher found that the most dominant type of illocutionary act which used by Elizabeth, assertive which contains 6 data. The second dominant type of illocutionary was commissive act it had 4 data from each type. The third dominant type is expressive act it had 1 data. However, the types of assertive are more dominant in this research. In this study, the researcher found 5 topics related on the Elizabeth’s speech that she talked about as a pattern of her speech, there are Expressing grief, Community responsibility, Endorsing hope, Building confidence, Reassurance. The perlocutionary act that is implied on this study found that there are 3 data and the expressive act are the most data that appears as the perlocutionary act.


Key words: Illocutionary, pragmatic approach, speech

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Linguistics and Literature Journal
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