Graha Mustantifa, Ely Nurmaily


This thesis examines the views of Maya Angelou’s Ideas on African-American Black Women’s High Self-Esteem Reflected In Selected Poems”. In this research discuss of the problems experienced by black women in America which written from her point of view. Maya Angelou discusses the self-esteem of African-American women in the poem and discuss womanishness. The use of the Feminism theory because this theory related to the struggle process of black women in America.

This research implemented a descriptive qualitative method as it is more suitable to analyze the data.  These data are in the form of qualitative research methods originally from social sciences. The purpose is to support the researchers to study social and culture. This method was implemented because the research data described to see the uniqueness of each datum, then analyzed and interpreted objectively.

The main discussion in the poem relates to the struggle of African American women out of oppression which not justify the oppression of African American women. Some points of view that Feminism tends to make women have the feeling to voicing the women's feeling so that they can struggle with the oppression experienced by women.


Keywords: Maya Angelou, high self-esteem and feminism

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