Noticeably known as detective movies, Sherlock Holmes firmly weaved with the developing British private enterprise in the early 1800s through mystery he must solve. Therefore, the writer is interested to find the portrayal of Industrial Revolution Sherlock Holmes movies through this movie analysis.
This research used descriptive qualitative method typically library research with textual analysis since data of this research are in the form of sentences, dialogues and movie scenes. The primary data source is Sherlock Holmes movie 2009 and 2011. This research uses socio-historical approach by Vygotsky and historical description of Industrial Revolution by Mohajan.
The result of this research shows that Sherlock Holmes movies clearly portray Industrial Revolution era through three conditions; economic condition, as the main points of Industrial Revolution development; social condition, as the people’s quality of life in Industrial Revolution; and political condition as the government formation during the huge development of economic in Industrial Revolution.
Keywords: Industrial revolution, movie analysis, Sherlock Holmes
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