Fadli Amin, Achmad Yudi Wahyudin


With the development of technology that never stops year by year, the development of learning media also follows particularly from digital media and all device. All media has been massively used by teachers and instructors to make learning activities interesting. Teachers always keep searching to find new learning media to keep students’ moods are still in line. One of media that able to use in education field is video game. A few studies have looked into the impact of video game on students learning English especially for reading comprehension. However video games is full with content that can increasing students’ English skill especially on their reading comprehension. One of the video game that full with reading text and also has historical thing is Age of Empires II. This study purposed to see how video game influeced students’ reading comprehension on narrative text games. The study consisted of 72 students from MAN 1 Bandar Lampung in tenth grade. X MIA 3 and X MIA 4 were the class samples of this study. The effect of video games can be reflected in the multiple-choice students’ score. The writer used a quantitative and quasi-experimental method as the methodology with a random sampling approach. Multiple-choice test was used as the tool of test. The research findings in this study explain that video games has significantly impact.

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