Melani Dwi Ariastuti, Achmad Yudi Wahyudin


Exploring students’ learning style has drawn attention of practitioners and teachers. Previous reported studies have noted that learning styles have been one of successful factor in promoting learning and achievement for studentes. This study aimed to explore the students’ academic performance and its relation to different learning style preference at undergraduate level. Survey has been conducted to capture the students’ learning style preferences (visual, auditori, and kinaesthetic) and their learning achievement (GPA and EPT Score). A small group of respondents consisting of 39 students majoring in English Education participated in this study. The result shows that 49% of students preferred visual learning style, 31% of students preferred in Kinesthetic learning style and 20% of students preferred Auditory learning style.The Correlation was 0,697, and the t-table was less than the T-test. So, it is entirely feasible to determine that learning style has a statistically significant effect on students’ performance.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33365/jeltl.v3i1.1817


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English Education Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Education.
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