Melinda Hestiana, Anita Anita


According to M. J. McCarthy (1990), vocabulary in language learning is one of the important linguistic features. Without adequate knowledge of the word and its meaning, the language learning of students cannot use the language efficiently. However, depending on the level of language proficiency and vocabulary content of the movie learners, they may sometimes face difficulties in understanding video material without being provided with subtitles in the mother tongue or target language.This study uses a qualitative method. The population of this research is students majoring in English Education Department Semester 4 Class A at UIN SMH Banten, Serang. Four students became the sample, consisting of one boys and three girls. The research instruments in this study is interview. The researcher explored the effect of watching movie subtitles on students'' vocabulary. they gave a positive response, those are an increase in their vocabulary. Without even realizing it, when we watch movie subtitles, we are learning the specific target languages used in the movie. Learning new vocabulary, as a demanding task for most language learners, plays an important role in language learning, especially in improving their communication skills. Movie subtitles have a special attraction for students learning English, especially in increasing vocabulary. When students watch English movies but do not know what the actors or actresses are talking about in the movie''s storyline, they will find out the meaning or meaning through the displayed English texts. Students will translate difficult words and phrases into Indonesian.

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