Epafras Kenneth Elbes, Lulud Oktaviani


English Daily Conversation’s materials help to instill character building in the students. By studying the materials, the students acquire insights, and a good attitude, act accordingly based on the norms and values in the society and can conduct effective communication. In this particular subject, the students train their soft skills, such as their confidence, motivation, creativity, communication, and initiation to face their future, therefore, the researchers intend to reveal and elaborate the character building in English daily conversation materials. The researchers applied Krathwohl's theory and also the Likert Scale to collect and analyze the data. The data are taken from surveys and observation. From the results of the survey, observation, and analysis, the students seem to have gained the soft skills they need to face their future. The Krathwohl instruments have deliberated the students’ improvement during the teaching and learning activities of the English Daily Conversation in the class. The students also have trained to have more understanding of the cultural values and norms. They can initiate an idea and then implement it on the daily basis.

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